Channel 4
Gay Under the Taliban
Animated Documentary | Cell Animation | TV
Produced & Directed by Dan Hall
Executive Producers Mark Hedgecoe, James Rogan, Soleta Rogan
Animation Alice Bibette
Narrated by Layla Lewis
Director Dan Hall approached us with Rogan Productions to animate parts of the documentary. This 35 min long film is part of Channel 4 Untold series and follows the story of a handful of LGBTQ+ people trapped in hell, who have been forced to run for their lives, for the crime of being nothing but themselves.
In this film in particular animation is used for different reasons. First of all, it protects the contributor's identity. It then helps softening the toughs stories and absorbing the hard realities. Lastly, it magnifies the emotions.
Learn more about our creative process in this It's Nice That article.
Watch here on all 4 (UK only).